
Virtual meetings: 10 best practices for remote teams

Instead of focusing solely on personal achievements, shift your perspective to consider how your efforts contribute to the overall team goals. Collaborative accomplishments carry more weight than individual triumphs. Ensuring that all team members feel empowered to express themselves and contribute ensures that a diverse team’s true potential is realized. Leave the hassle of running a website to the experts, and get back to doing what you do best. Sign up for a DigitalOcean account to start spending more time on your projects and less time managing your infrastructure. For decades, culture has been shaped by interactions and engagement face-to-face in the office.

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Keep calendars clear, and incorporate visual asynchronous communication into your internal communication strategy so people don’t suffer from burnout. Organization, documentation, culture and tools encompass the best practices for managing remote teams to keep team members aligned and engaged. Once you have the culture and documentation, then it’s all about the tools. Leverage digital collaboration tools and platforms that facilitate knowledge sharing.

Set Clear Expectations and Goals

There are many apps like bonusly with built-in recognition and rewards systems that can help foster a culture of appreciation and motivate your remote team members. Additionally, some project management tools like Asana incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy with UX/ UI design hacks, including a unicorn, or a celebration. For anyone who completes a task, a creature rapidly flies from the bottom-left to the top-right of the screen. By choosing tools that include these celebratory experiences, you can boost the morale of your team. Create a virtual team environment that promotes camaraderie, collaboration, and mutual support.

But there’s more that effective remote collaboration will do for your business. While it’s important to communicate clearly, there is such thing as too much communication. Clarify the apps you will use and the hours in which it’s acceptable to contact your colleagues. Just because you can message the Slack channel at 11 pm does not mean you should. Embrace asynchronous communication and allow your team time to disconnect. Working remotely can be a struggle for some, especially if they are used to an office environment.

Day-To-Day Communication

The mode of communication is different when managing remote teams, so your effectiveness may depend on choosing the right communication method. From setting clear communication channels to using video conferencing and project management tools, these tips will help you maintain cohesion and stay on the same page. Team members may suffer from feelings of isolation, and communication may be stilted due to lack of face-to-face interaction. Additionally, the reliance on software or other collaboration tools puts teams at risk when there’s a malfunction or connection issue.

Best Remote Team Collaboration Practices

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