Efficient Ways to Prepare for High School Exams
Personal Blog 09-05-2022

Meta: An online tutoring program will help you study better and score higher in your high school exams. Here are some other efficient tips you can follow!

Efficient Ways to Prepare for High School Exams


Almost every student would agree when we say that exams are every high school student's worst nightmare. However, no matter how much you hate them, you need to get a good grade to get into a well-reputed college. Whether you prefer to join a tuition class or study alone, scoring well in your high school exams should be every high school student’s priority.


Scroll down to read some efficient ways to prepare for your high school exams.


Organize Your Study Material

According to research, decluttering your space and organizing your things can positively impact your health and increase your productivity. However, that’s not all, as organizing can also relax your mind, which is necessary for efficient exam preparation.


Start by dedicating a corner of your room as a study space. Ensure that you have enough space to spread out your notebooks, books, pen, and calculator if needed.


Organize your books, make a pile, and keep the things you won’t use on a separate table or shelf. Moreover, ensure that your study space has proper lighting, as studying in dim light can result in eye strain and constant headache. Another factor that you should consider is getting a comfortable sitting chair. You will need to study for long hours, and an uncomfortable chair will hurt your back. Also, ensure that any background noise isn’t disturbing you. However, if you learn better with noises around, we recommend playing soft music in the background.

Give Up Smart Phones and Video Games

How many of you take a 5-min break during studying, which turns into a 1-hour Instagram scrolling session? We are sure almost all of you can relate. And the harsh truth is that you need to eliminate the root of the problem – your smartphones and video games or any other distracting gadget!


No, we’re not asking you to throw them away or sell them, but you just need to stop using them for a brief time.


Instead, ask a trustable friend to keep those things and return them to you when your exams are over. Yes, we understand that chatting with your friends and keeping up with that high school gossip is important too, but your grades are more important! However, you can use your smartphone or play video games for an hour a day if you’ve studied enough. Disciplining yourself is a crucial for exam preparation.

Take Help from Previous Papers

According to many educational experts, practicing and studying by going through past papers is something that would massively help during exam preparation. You can understand what topics are important and what kinds of questions will come in the exam. Based on the past-paper pattern, you can decide if theoretical questions are more important, or you would have to read your complete subject book to prepare for an MCQ-based exam.


Following this practice also helps you improve your writing speed. You can try solving a practice exam in a definite time frame repeatedly to improve your pace.

Explain It to Other People

Another effective tip that many people don’t talk about is explaining whatever you’ve learned to other people. Start by studying and memorizing a topic and explaining it to your friends, roommates, parents, or siblings. This will help you grasp concepts more clearly and help you determine areas that need improvement.


According to research, explaining to others helps you organize and elaborate your ideas. Moreover, you would also have to provide in-depth details, especially to your audience that is new to the subject. This will help you process the information repeatedly, engraving the topic in your mind. However, if you can’t find someone to explain to, you can always look in a mirror and explain to yourself.

Make a Study Group

Many people prefer to study on their own, shut in their own room, which is a good practice. But, educational experts recommend studying in groups for better preparation. This is because you can get help with the topics you find difficult to understand. Moreover, you can also explain ideas and discuss topics, which would help you understand a subject better.


However, it’s important to realize that these are study groups, not fun groups. Therefore, you and your friends shouldn’t participate in chatting or doing activities that are not, well, studying! Managing time is crucial during exam preparation, and you can get together and have fun after your exams end! If you feel like your friends are distracting you in these study groups, you can return to your room and study on your own.


Take Regular Breaks

Like other organs of the human body, overworking your brain will make it tired. Studying continuously for long periods can negatively impact your productivity as an overworked and stressed brain wouldn’t retain any information. Therefore, you should take regular breaks during long study sessions to rest your mind and body. A refreshed mind will be able to absorb more information much better, which is your exam preparation goal.


Some refreshing activities that you can participate in are taking a short walk, eating a snack, talking to your roommates or siblings, or just lying down. However, as we mentioned above, avoid grabbing your smartphone or tablet, as we all know where how would go. For better exam preparation, you should take 5-10 minutes of breaks after every 1 hour of studying.

Eat Better

If you think that a tired, fatigued body and mind will facilitate your exam preparation process, think again. Many students forget to eat properly during the exam season, but you can always keep healthy snacks in your room to munch on them when needed. According to research, nuts and berries can improve your concentration and memory. Also, try to eat meals properly to ensure that your body gets the nutrition you need.

However, if you’re someone who can’t study at home, we recommend joining an online tutoring program. At Bayise Tutor, our online tutoring platform has highly-qualified and experienced teachers that can help your exam preparation.


Moreover, we also provide well-constructed study material for your high school exams. Reach out to us, register in the best online tuition class, and get those grades you want!